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travel solo sunset

I’ll admit, my first major international trip was to Egypt with a travel study group at my university. There were a lot of us, many first-time travelers like myself, and it was amazing.


Not to discredit that experience at all, but as I became a more seasoned traveler, I quickly became more drawn to the preference going at it alone. No limitations, no time restraints, no missing out on activities because the majority of the group preferred otherwiseβ€”quite literallyβ€”just me against the world.

So Why Travel Solo?

solo travel-2

The decision to travel solo doesn’t have to be as daunting as staring over the edge of the world (Ironically, the pictured location actually is called the edge of the world?


Top Five Reasons to Travel Solo


Freedom and Flexibility

Wake up to an early morning walk with nothing but the sunrise, chirping of birds, and your own thoughts. Peacefully ponder the coming day while breathing in the fresh air…

Sound like a dream?

If your answer was no then I could end this list of top five reasons to travel solo right here because guess what? You’re right, it’s no dream. It’s a reality…and one that solo travelers know all too well.

I often extensively plan out a tentative itinerary of things to do in a given location, but some days it’s nice to just ditch the script and go with the flow. When you travel solo, this dream easily becomes real.

No Delays

Have you ever seen those memes: planning a group trip with friends. Six months outβ€”the group is huge. Three months outβ€”it’s dwindled a bit but still strong in numbers. One month outβ€”only the faithful few remain. Two weeks prior to departure=back at one.

Top five reasons to travel solo cockpit

Step into the cockpit of your solo travel journey and navigate every step of the way!

While that may be a bit of a dramatization, it’s not far from the truth. If you wait on the perfect time for both you and your friends to travel together, you may be waiting for months upon months…eventually seeing those months turn to years. Travel solo and you decide when, where, and how long with no objections.



Traveling solo not only allows one to discover a new destination in unique and exciting ways, but it also awards the opportunity to discover new things about yourself. For the introvert, you realize that it truly is possible to break out of your shell on occasion. If photography is a passion, you may find yourself able to access areas on your own that would not be possible with a large group in accompaniment.

Here and there, all along the way of your travel journey, you will discover small bits and pieces about yourself and your chosen destination that will eternally reside within you.


New Friendships

My first trip to Hawaii was a solo trip where I had my first hostel experience. I was young, didn’t know what to expect, and did not know a single soul. I booked a 6-person room that I ended up sharing with only three others: a pair of female friends traveling together and a free-spirited female traveler on an extended stay. But by the end of that trip, you would have never known I arrived alone.

My roommates and I, along with about 4-5 others, rented a minivan and circumnavigated the entire Island of Oahu. From the outside looking in, you would have thought we were, indeed, lifelong friends prior to travel. The beauty of that scenario; however, is just that…in that short time, we all formed a bond that we will remember for our entire lives.


Don’t go thereβ€”you’ll hate it. Don’t stay thereβ€”it’s dangerous. Let’s not try that foodβ€”I’ve heard bad things about it. When you travel solo, all those voices of doubt that keep you from fully immersing yourself into a culture or place tend to disappear. It’s just you, your backpack, and the world…so take these five reasons to travel solo and get started on your journey!

travel solo camera

As long as you’ve got your camera you’ll never be alone!


So…what do you think? Will you give solo travel a try? In the comments below, let me know! If you’re already a solo traveling veteran, comment your best solo travel experience!


  1. Wow, I needed this post so badly! I want to plan my first solo trip but I’m afraid because I’m black and female. I’m tired of traveling with others all the time because I’m always on my β€œin search of you” vibes. I love traveling especially when I’m searching my soul for something. Thank you for these wise words.

  2. Nina says:

    I’m someone who does a mixture of solo travel and group travel. Sometimes I find a good deal on a trip or find myself with some extra days and I go explore a new place. Hostels are perfect for the solo traveler. I’ve met some really cool people in hostels that I still talk to.

  3. kim says:

    Super great reasons to travel alone! I actually don’t mind traveling alone to certain places. The times I’ve traveled alone for work, it’s kind of nice to just worry about yourself and what you want to do.

  4. Amanda maguire says:

    The idea of traveling solo sounds amazing. Only yourself to keep happy!!! Now that appeals to me lol

  5. Ami Rose says:

    I’ve always loved the idea of travelling solo but never brought myself to do it! Maybe one day…

    Ami xxx

  6. Jana says:

    I can only wish to travel solo. I bet it’s a very freeing experience! Maybe one day!

  7. Asher says:

    Empowerment is the one I personally believe is really important if you wanna get around. I totally agree with these solo travel benefits but at times, when you fall into an unsuitable situation where you are in desperate need of a friend.

  8. Sreekar says:

    HAHA. Just the post I wanted to read. Have been pondering on a solo trip forever. Every time I just feel that I may get bored if alone. But there are so many upsides to it as well as you point them out. I do agree that it empowers you to take more decisions on your own and be totally prepared for the unplanned!

  9. Blair villanueva says:

    I understand the no delays part. One of my pet peeves when travelling by group is that i can’t enjoy it fully because of many distractions. By travelling solo, you can take your time and keep it more memorable.

    • EG III says:

      That’s one of my major pet peeves as well. Group travel is fun…but for me there’s just something special about the solo adventures.

  10. jefferson says:

    yeah.. I do agree! There are so many benefits when we travel solo. The trip is really ‘us’ without any interventions πŸ™‚

  11. Kim says:

    I can understand why you like to travel solo. However, I’ve never traveled solo. As a female, I am honestly scared even though I know that there are many women who do travel alone.

  12. Renata - www.byemyself.com says:

    It’s so funny – a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the same topic since I’ve been travelling for basically ever by myself. I put down five cons again five pros – and the pros were practically your five reasons to travel solo….so we are obviously both right πŸ˜‰

  13. I would want to travel solo one day. Not been brave enough to do so yet. I worry I would be bored and miss my family too much.

    • EG III says:

      You gotta just take the plunge. I would say start small…but you’ll probably have more fun if you go big with your first solo adventure!

  14. Sigrid Says says:

    Nice insights on traveling solo! I have done this when I was younger. Travelled to so many places. Now it’s time for our family to go out and visit places together. That’s the new season of my life πŸ˜€

  15. I totally agree about freedom and flexibility, you don’t need to worry about what others want to do you can do exactly what you want to do. If you’re tired and want to go back to the hotel you can, or want to wake up early to go out, you can x

  16. Kate says:

    I agree with all your aspects that traveling solo is great! Especially friends wise, you are really just more open to get to know people because you have no other choice! Lovely inspirational post for the solo traveler beginners!

    Kate, http://elysianmoment.com

  17. Monidipa says:

    I always try to travel alone, specially for the freedom and flexibility, but I sometimes feel it’s better to have one or two companions with you for the sake of safety. Not everytime we get a wonderful group like you got in Hawaii. Loved the post.

    • EG III says:

      Good point. It’s always important to be mindful of safety whether solo or even in a small group at times.

  18. Jennifer Prince says:

    My favorite of the reasons is the freedom and flexibility. I always tend to worry if others are happy, and sometimes no one wants to speak up and make a decision in a group, lol.

    • EG III says:

      That’s funny…and I’m sure there are times when no one is completely happy, but doesn’t say so out of fear of being rude lol.

  19. Jackie says:

    It certainly sounds like a great experience and something that people need to check out if they’re wary about solo travel. It’s not something I am likely to do for a little while, now as a single mum I have a tiny human to take with me!

    – Jackie (Organised Mum Life)

    • EG III says:

      Well, if you take the little one it won’t quite be solo….but I suppose you could consider it about 1.5 so it’s close enough πŸ™‚

  20. New friendships and no dependency. No disappointment. Absolutely seconded. Rather than being crippled by the limitations of a travel partner, I’d prefer traveling solo anytime!

  21. Christiana says:

    Great advantages for solo traveling. I have always been for traveling with friends and family but I must admit there are indeed a lot of set backs. I would try solo traveling sometime.

  22. Laura Dove says:

    Great tips! New friendships is always a real bonus of travelling. I haven’t ever travelled solo but I have travelled in a pair and we made some amazing friendships along the way!

    • EG III says:

      A pair is just one step away from taking the solo plunge!
      The global friendships are definitely one of the best parts of travel.

  23. Nanekia says:

    I’ve recently been attempting to talk myself into a solo trip for all the reasons you stated. This just made me eager to really try it!

  24. Elle (CleverlyChanging) says:

    I’ve traveled solo for years. The funny thing is that I’m married but when I go on vacation with my family its not really a vacay. Therefore I take one on my own so I can recoup and give them an opportunity to miss me.

    • EG III says:

      Haha. I love that. You’ve gotta get that me time in one way or another…so why not do it through travel!

  25. Valerie robinson says:

    So true! I am a huge advocate of solo travel!

  26. I loved this article and completely agree. Traveling on your own can be one of the most liberating and freeing types of travel and I highly recommend everyone travel alone at least once in your lifetime.

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