Your journey: Top 5 Travel Myths BUSTED

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Your journey: Why should you travel?


Ask 20 different people this question, and you will most likely get 20 different answers. The are countless reasons as to why we should travel, yet the same obstacles continue to block many individuals from beginning their journey. If you think back to your first travel memory, or even the most recent one, there is always something to be gained from the experience.

When you look back just 100 years into the past, there is no comparison to the means by which we are now able to travel. Sure we could still go by horse and buggy, on foot, or by mule if we so choose, but the majority of people opt for speed and comfort.

With more and more budget airlines and high-speed railways popping up, hard-to-reach places are not so hard to get to anymore. If you find yourself still hesitating to pull the trigger on that next trip, don’t let any of the travel myths listed below be what’s holding you back.

Top Travel Myths



  1. Jenny says:

    Great post! I enjoy reading on myths being crushed and you do it really well. I like #5 the most, it’s never the right time when you’re sitting on someday isle.. It reminds me that it’s time for me and my family to go travel 🙂

  2. Louisa says:

    I have to admit I believe there’s a grain of truth to these myths. Your comments make sense though. I think it just calls for a more confident person to pull it off. Being in another country can be intimidating and even be the reason that people are so hesitant to travel.

  3. Nurse In Saudi -Rach says:

    Awesome post…am definitely going to apply to my trip next weekend and remember to embrace the journey!

  4. sabine says:

    So true about traveling. Just do it, it doesn’t matter where to, how or what you’re doing. Just travel and you give the right push to do so!

  5. Lizelle says:

    I really liked the second myth!! Because what is the essence of travelling if you don’t feel some danger? That’s the thrill!!

  6. Sandra says:

    Pretty smart ! The Fiction/Fast is so true 😉 Travelling is the best thing in life !!!

  7. Sandra says:

    I love this post ! Pretty smart ! The Fiction/Fast is so true 😉

  8. I absolutely agree with your post. When international travel is still out of reach, one can start at his home country. There are surely a lot of places to visit in one’s country. I, for one, think that it’s best to start traveling in one’s country to appreciate where one comes from. Afterwards, one can start traveling to the nearest country and then gradually going farther each time. This is also helpful for those who have a less powerful passport.

    • EG III says:

      You’re absolutely right…there’s no written rule that says travel has to be to a far off place.

  9. I totally agree with your post. There are dangers everywhere you go but if you don’t go then there’s a possibility you are missing out on something great.

  10. This is an awesome and encouraging post. I think travelling can also provide experiences that we may not get from our normal day-to-day activities.

    ❀ With Love, Kathryn (from ❀

  11. Denisa says:

    the fiction part seems more the fear of the unknown ! but yes once you want to travel outside the borders you better know a bit of a language that is spoken internationally.

  12. Ivelisse says:

    I really like the fact vs fiction tips! There really is no need to know the language perfectly.

    Ivelisse |

    • EG III says:

      Nope, there’s no need at all…but some people let that idea become another excuse to keep them from getting outside of that comfort zone.

  13. Kerry says:

    So very true!! I’m going on vacation on Friday so I can relate so much to this post! You are completely 100% right on everything!!

  14. Joanna says:

    I think that people find excuses because they are too comfortable or because they are afraid to travel. And I have to admit, even if I am a heavy duty traveler, sometimes I do get tired… but fortunately it doesn’t last long and I’m back on the road. I love traveling more than anything in the world and I believe that there is no excuse: if you want to, just do it!

  15. Jessica says:

    All you need is a passport and visa. Still challenging to travel as a holder of a third world country passport, but it was, is and will never be a hindrance for my wanderlust. Haha. I do love your Fiction vs fact graphic. A perfect motivation to set off a the travel journey. 🙂

    • EG III says:

      You are very right about third world country passport holders Jessica, which makes it even more frustrating that over half of my fellow Americans, who have the world at their doorstep, don’t even own a passport.

  16. Elizabeth O. says:

    I think traveling is one of the best things to do in your life, it’s a great way to live to be honest. If we’re just going to pile up the reasons, then nothing’s ever going to happen. You don’t gain experience by opting out of a good travel destination, I say… might as well just go!

  17. One more amazing post here. Actually all the fact/fiction situations can be applied to literally any life experience. Simply change some of the words and there you have it. What’s hidden behind all that is the lack of confidence. And here’s another one: Fiction: you need to build up confidence to begin (insert anything here). Fact: you build confidence by doing, so begin whatever it is and make peace with the fact you’ll be a newbie at the start. Be it traveling, business, education, a new relationship or even dancing, you’ll only be confident after a certain amount of time practicing it.

    • EG III says:

      You’re right, and confidence is sort of the “X-factor”…if you have it from the onset then you can truly never fail.

  18. Empire says:

    Yes! You said what needed to be said. I’m not the one to travel just because I’m a jobless student, but I can totally agree.

    • EG III says:

      Well, now is the perfect time to start plotting your adventures. You’ll need to go somewhere and celebrate once you’ve finished school!

  19. Danielle says:

    Love it, I love traveling and wish I could do more but agree you shouldn’t let anything stop you xx

    • EG III says:

      The great thing about travel is that you don’t necessarily have to go thousands of miles away for a new experience, sometimes I simply trip to the neighboring town or city is enough 🙂

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