Never Too Late: A Long Overdue Exploration of the Indiana Dunes

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Never Too Late: A Long Overdue Exploration of the Indiana Dunes

Exploration of the Indiana Dunes

Indiana born and raised, yet it still took 30+ years for me become interested in exploration of the Indiana Dunes! Why is it that we always neglect the beauty that happens to be right in front of our very eyes? Or in my case, right in my own backyard. I can recall countless memories of frolicking through the forests of Northern Indiana and tumbling down frozen white sands during snow-season as a child. When it came to exploration of the Indiana Dunes; however, I always balked at the idea. As a know-it-all kid I figured, “if I wanna see sand and shrubs I can just go the beach.”

Sunset over Lake Michigan

Looking out over Lake Michigan

When you open your eyes to all that surrounds…only then will your vision truly stretch further than ever imagined.

Exploration of the Indiana Dunes

Upon hearing of the Indiana Dunes Outdoor Adventure Festival, held earlier this month by the National Park Service, I knew my opportunity had finally arrived. I signed up for a featured photography outing hosted by well-known local photographer, David Larsen, got my equipment ready, AND…it rained. I’m not talking a light drizzle either. The skies open up, the heavens roared, and precipitation poured down like a baby with a leaky bladder. In other words, it was a mess…and the day was, quite literally, a wash.

Fortunately, the park service, privy to the weather forecast, planned ahead and scheduled a makeup outing for the final day of the festival. I rescheduled and arrived, along with other eager photography enthusiasts, with camera in hand; ready to explore the dunes.

David Larsen explaining how the Dunes have changed over the years

Although the “hike” itself wasn’t much of a physical challenge at all, I witnessed the beauty of my hometown in a way I had yet to experience. A cactus growing in Indiana? Check. A diverse landscape housing plant species such as Arctic Pines leftover from the last Ice Age? Check. The sound of singing sands that whistle along more than 45 miles of duneland trails? You guessed it…Check.

Indiana Cactus

With the help of our guide, and the accompanying Park Ranger, we ventured into areas of the Dunes prohibited to the general public in order to truly experience its splendor. Standing on the shifting sands while watching the sun sink into the horizon, the clouds stood tall like mountains in the backdrop while we looked on…


If you’re reading this, and you’ve been neglecting that nearby attraction or natural wonder…do yourself a favor and take my advice-GO! The world is changing quickly, just go! And go now…before the opportunity to go is no longer there.


In the comments below, let me know what natural wonders or nearby attractions are close to your hometown!



  1. The Indiana Dunes name remind me of Indiana Jones the movie for some reason. Interesting name though. It’s great that the organizers still scheduled a makeup outing Nice photos. I wish you just have more.

  2. Joining with a photography outing is always interesting.Because you get many photo opportunities together with others who share the same passion.It seems like Indian dunes are great to explore.I’d love such visits and adventures which keep me enjoying the time among natural views.

  3. Milton Coyne says:

    I guess we can create a pun from this location “Indiana Dunes” sounds like “Indiana Jones” hehe but kidding aside, this is really a great place. I have been once in a Sand Dune from my recent trip and it put me in so much awe! I think this kind of place is perfect for stargazing! Minimal tree and building obstructions will give you a nice opportunity to look at the sky in full extent! And knowing that you got such nice atmosphere in your backyard! Wow, i would love to live in such kind of set up too!

  4. Sreekar says:

    The dunes look awesome. Nice photo op too! Reminded me of Wadi Rum in Jordan for some reason. Oh wait thats because both are awesome:)

  5. Indrani says:

    Too bad that we ignore our own local treasures. I am guilty of it too.
    Indiana dunes is captivating. I hope destiny takes me there some day.

  6. Clarice says:

    Thank you for sharing. You just convinced me to take a trip out of town this weekend. I would have to agree that the world is changing (unfortunately more negatively in terms of our natural resources) so, we might as well enjoy them responsibly while it’s still there.

  7. Maria says:

    Nature must always be appreciated no matter how it looks like or how it makes us feel. Your post really made me feel great about nature and seriously think that people like us should appreciate it more. The scenery made me reminisce to cowboy films and even to historical films! I do look forward to more nature posts from you!

  8. Irma says:

    The very same thing happens to me. I always yearn to visit other countries, to see the world, and I have not still researched my country entirely. So, I made a decision to choose three destinations every year: two domestic and one international. I am also a photography enthusiast and I love to capture natural beauties, so I was wondering about the classes you mentioned. I would love to attend them. It is always good to listen to the advice an expert has to say. 🙂

  9. theresa says:

    What got my attention first was the name. The creator got a cool thing in there. Your photos reminds me of the real Indiana Jones, minus the character. The place is such a beauty that I also wanted to go there. But that would be not possible.

  10. Very much the same when they say “ no prophet is accepted in his hometown.” We opt to support and believe in others than our own. Sadly, most would travel far even abroad but when they are asked if they have seen their own tourist spots, they will say not yet. But I admire those, like you, who rediscover the beauty of their own backyard and promote and speak highly of its beauty.

    • EG III says:

      I’ve never heard that expression before but I like it. And I totally agree…I’ve made the mistake of not exploring the local area before so I’m trying not to let that ever happen again.

  11. Joanna says:

    You are right, we should explore the beauty of the nature that stands close to where we live. Because we are used to them, we don’t really appreciate as much. I lived many years in Bucharest and never actually went inside the Parliament, which is the largest building in Europe and the second largest in the world. And now I regret it and I wish I did.

    • EG III says:

      I know what you mean. For example I visited Bucharest this year and the Parliament was one of the first buildings I went to; however, I’ve lived near Chicago my entire life and I’ve never gone up to the top of the Sear’s Tower. Chicago’s tallest and about the 3rd tallest building in North America.

  12. Kallia says:

    you just motivated me to go and visit a nearby park with my dogs today! We should visit nature more often, I agree! Great pictures!

  13. Sreekar says:

    Beautiful photos. Love such ragged landscapes. Somehow feels closer to nature than pretty forests and gardens!

  14. It’s strange that we do forget to explore the areas that are close to us, isn’t it. We kind of thinks it’s the same old but then we might be missing out. The area is so beautiful and your pictures are lovely, glad the weather worked out for you well!

  15. Sarah says:

    These pictures look gorgeous! I have never been to Indiana but do remember having lots of fun exploring dunes on the Oregon Coast as a child!

    • EG III says:

      Well, after having visited Oregon for the first time earlier this year, I can definitely say there’s plenty of natural beauty out there as well!

  16. Ooh i love such places! Its so true though! We always miss out on the places that are literally right across us and then go ahead and travel the world!

    • EG III says:

      How very true…Prime example #2…I was born and raised in America, I’ve been all over the world, and I’ve still NEVER been to New York City!

  17. Our Family World says:

    I am happy you got to visit the Indiana Dunes. My parents always said, “be a tourist in your own home state first.” Which is so true because we fail to appreciate the beauty that is right in close proximity to us. Thanks for the reminder to go and see places before they are gone and the opportunity to see them is not an option anymore.

  18. I agree that sometimes we do neglect the beauty that is often right on our doorstep but well done for exploring the Indiana Dunes! And I bet that you were very glad you went to see the dunes as they look absolutely glorious!

    • EG III says:

      They are definitely glorious…if you’re ever remotely near Chicago let me know and I will point you in the right direction!!

  19. Adeola says:

    It is never too late to explore the world or even the places we call home! These are some beautiful images you shared with us!

  20. Mimi Green says:

    I’ve never been to the dunes. The Mr. and I talk about going all the time. We need to bump it up on our travel list.

  21. MihaBalan says:

    Really beautiful photos, I’ve never been to dunes since I live in Scandinavia but it looks like a place worth visiting. Around the area where I live, we have a huge space of nature that I usually explore in the weekend mostly in the summer and all the time I find something new happening or new small place. Nature it’s beautiful ,


    • EG III says:

      I’d love to explore more of Scandinavia, considering I’ve only ever visited Sweden in that region. Let’s trade locations for a few weeks!!!

  22. Ola says:

    It’s been years since I’ve been to the Dunes. I don’t even remember it looking like the photos above. That means it time to plan a trip back there.

    • EG III says:

      If it’s been years then they definitely changed. It’s amazing how dramatically different they have gotten in just the past 20 years.

  23. Ali Rost says:

    I can relate to what you said about neglecting the beauty that’s right before our eyes. My husband and I live in Iowa, and this past summer we decided we were going to explore state parks. I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun we’ve had. Not only are the parks beautiful, but we’ve seen some pretty cool countryside along the way. x

  24. Teresa says:

    I, too, live very close to the Indiana Dunes, yet I have only explored them once when I first moved here 8 years ago. You have motivated me to go again…soon.

  25. Tisha says:

    Beautiful photos!
    I can definitely relate to what you said about the neglecting the beauty around us!
    I always associate my university town with stress and struggles lol but at the start of the semester I decided to do a little exploring and found so many hidden gems!
    Thanks for sharing!

  26. ShaBree says:

    That’s so true. There’s beauty everywhere, especially in our backyards.

  27. I totally get what you mean about neglecting the beauty in our own states. We tend to miss things that are right under our nose.

  28. Leslie says:

    Well in NC we have beaches and mountains, which are both a sight to see! I’ve seen the Blue Ridge Moutains and spent time in Wilimington and its beaches of Wrightsville, Carolina, and Kure.

  29. Kat says:

    Nice photos. Living in NYC, some don’t realize the beauty of nature in their own backyards. Be cool to capture nature within the busy streets of the city.

  30. Bennie says:

    Good stuff bro.

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